Bulletin September 29, 2013

The Altar Candles are burning during the month of September in memory of +Michael and +Martha Krofchik. May their memory be eternal.

Diocesan Anniversary: This year marks the 50′” anniversary of the canonical establishment of the Eparchy (Diocese) of Passaic. A Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral followed by a dinner reception will mark this occasion on Sunday, 10 November 2013. Invitations/response cards are available on the tables near the Divine Liturgy books.

Slavic Food Festival: Our annual fundraiser occurs this year on Saturday, November 2nd. Thus far we have received a sufficient supply of sugar. We still need butter (salted or unsalted), margarine (not the ‘Spreads’ ), large eggs, and all-purpose flour (name brands, e.g., Pillsbury, Gold Medal, etc.). For  each baking we use 75 lbs. of flour, 11 dozen eggs, 20 lbs. of butter/margarine, and, depending upon the filling (nut, poppyseed) up to 30 lbs. of sugar. We need flour, eggs, and butter also for the haluski and plenty of butter/margarine for the pirohi.

Kolácsi Baking: Our third and final baking will be this Saturday, October 5th. There is a
job for everyone — even if you’ve never baked anything in your life!

Holupki: Holupki involves atwo-day process. On Friday, October 18th (9:00 AM)we will boil the cabbage and trim about 1,100 leaves. The process on Saturday, October 19th (starting at 9:00 AM) is a bit more complex and time consuming:  stuffing the leaves and baking, then (around 12:00 Noon) cooling on racks and finishing the cooling process in ice, then wrapping, and finally stacking the pans in the freezer. We need help in moving the pans from place to place to place, hauling the ice, and clean up.

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