Pentecost Sunday 2015

The soul that is deemed to be judged worthy to participate in the light of the Holy Spirit by becoming His throne and habitation, and is covered with the beauty of ineffable glory of the Spirit, becomes all light, all face, all eye…. That the souls of the just become heavenly light, the Lord himself has told His Apostles: “You are the light of the world” (Mt 5:14). For He Himself, who first transformed them into light, has ordered and commanded them to be light to the world. …Just as the eyes are the light of the body and when the eyes are healthy and sound, then the whole body is enlightened, so also on the contrary, if anything should happen to render the eyes darkened, then the whole body is in darkness.
Thus the Apostles were called and ordained to be the eyes and the light of the whole world. For this reason the Lord told them: “If you, who are the light of the world, will persevere and not turn away, behold, then the whole body of the world will be enlightened. But if you, who are light, should be led into darkness, how great is that darkness, which is nothing less than the world.” Thus the Apostles, who were made light, brought light to those who believed and enlightened their hearts by the heavenly light of the Spirit by whom they themselves had been enlightened.
And since they themselves were salt, they seasoned and salted every believing soul by the salt of the Holy Spirit. For the Lord told them: “You are the salt of the earth” (Mt 5:13). He meant by earth the souls of upright men. For they ministered to the souls of men the heavenly salt of the Spirit, seasoning them and keeping them free from decay and from anything harmful, away from the putrid condition they were in…. If indeed the soul takes refuge in God, believes and seeks the salt of life, which is the good and human loving Spirit, then the heavenly salt comes. …The Spirit cleanses the soul by the strength of His salt. Thus the soul is brought back to health and freed from its wounds by the true salt in order again to be useful and ordered to serve the heavenly Lord.

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