Bulletin September 27, 2015

The Altar Candles will be burning during the month of October in memory of +Kevin and +Gregory Krofchik. May their memory be eternal!

The Candles before the Iconostasis will be burning during the month of October in memory of +John and +Mary Pipta. May their memory be eternal!

Kolácsi: The third and final kolácsi baking for this year will be on Saturday, October 10th, beginning at 9:00 am.

Holupki: On Friday, October 16th, we will begin the holupki making process by cooking the cabbage and preparing the individual leaves for stuffing. This task works well with several taller, stronger people to lift the heads in and out of the deep pots of boiling water (men). On Saturday, October 17, we will complete the process with stuffing, cooking, cooling and freezing the holupki. We are in need of many extra hands (young, old, men, women) particularly for the latter cooling, storing, and cleaning up phase of the project beginning around 12:00 Noon.

Solemn Holyday: On Thursday, October 1st, we will celebrate the Feast of the Protection of the Holy Mother of God. For our Metropolia this is a patronal feast – our Church in the U.S. is dedicated to the Holy Mother of God under the title of her Protection (which occurred with the dedication of the Byzantine-Ruthenian Chapel in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the immaculate Conception). The holyday Divine Liturgy will be celebrated on Thursday morning at 10:00 AM.

Let us remember in prayer all those who are in some special need of God’s loving kindness and mercy at this time. Let us remember particularly the “Prayer Requests ” of all who have asked for the prayerful support of our Parish Family in their special intentions.

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