Bulletin February 19, 2017

Altar Candles: The altar candles are burning during the month of February for Bernadette Roche and Marianne Radko.

Let Us Remember in Prayer: Those who are ill or convalescing. May our Lord Jesus Christ, the Physician and Healer of souls and bodies, grant them peace and good health for many blessed years.
Please let Fr. Lewis know if anyone should be added or taken away from this prayer list.

House Blessings: House blessings are still under way and will continue until all have had the opportunity to receive the Jordan Waters in their home.

The Mystery of Repentance and the Confessional: This Sacrament or Mystery offers us healing through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. There are “cheat sheets” available so please don’t be frightened of forgetting what to say or how to proceed if it has been a long time since the previous confession. But over time we can forget what a sin is or we may have never known, so examination of conscious pamphlets are available for reading.

Sunday Liturgical Time Changes: Yes, I have been trying to find a solution to keeping our services as they are and to also make time for Confession. Father Deacon Bill came up with a great compromise that allows us to accomplish these important goals. Because it seemed that our Matins was pushing the Divine Liturgy start time too often, we will continue to begin Matins at around 8:45AM. However, at mid-point, or around 9:30AM, Father Lewis will leave Matins and be available in the confessional. This way Father Deacon can continue the celebration of Matins, and the Sacrament/Mystery can also be offered.

The Early Church: From the Resurrection of Christ to Catholicism, Adult Education Class: In the third class, we focused on the history of the Sacraments or Mysteries of Initiation. In fact, there was so much to go over we only discussed two sacraments in two hours! We looked through all four Gospels and some Epistles to see the Biblical evidence which clearly shows howjesus implemented these sacraments.
In the Fourth class this week, we will focus on the Biblical evidence and Early Church Fathers writings which support the Sacraments of the Eucharist, Penance, Holy Anointing, Holy Orders, and Marriage.
Our bibliography for those who wish to obtain these sources for their own study is:
The Fathers Know Best (Jimmy Akin of Catholic Answers Press) This work gives excerpts from the Fathers of the Church categorized for easy reading. Want to quickly know what the Fathers taught on a specific subject? —just look it up. Example: “The Divinity of Christ,” “Apostolic Succession,” “Mortal Sin,” “Infant Baptism,” “Intercession of the Saints,” and “Hell.”
The Apostolic Fathers Third Edition (Michael W. Holmes of Baker Academic) This work is in both Greek and English which contains the works immediately after the New Testament writings (c70-150AD). This work is similar to the layout of a Bible and has brief commentary on each work: Letters of Clement, The Letters of Ignatius, Polycarp, The Didache, etc.
The History of the Church (Eusebius, Penguin Classics) This is considered the first Church History which was written ca. 326AD. This book places Christianity within its actual historical environment with references to other texts than the New Testament.
If you missed the first class don’t worry, some material will be recapped for continuity, so please feel free to join us. Participation is not limited to parishioners, anyone may attend—invite your friends.

Our New Bibles: Bishop Kurt has provided Bibles for each parish with the parish name embossed in each copy. This is the translation we use in the Adult Education Class and that Fr. Lewis personally uses as well. If anyone would like to order their own personally embossed Bible from the chancery office, please let Fr. Lewis know, we already have two orders.

All Souls Saturdays: The Hramoty or Dyptics is now available for review. If any changes need to be made, please submit them by Wednesday, March 8.

Kontakion of Meatfare: “When you come to the earth in glory, O God, and the universe trembles and a river of fire flows before your judgment seat and the books are opened and everything hidden is revealed, deliver me then from the unquenchable fire and make me worthy to stand at your right hand, O most righteous Judge.”

Pysanki Workshop: On Sunday, March 26th, Saint Gregory’s will host a parish pysanki-dyeing workshop. Please join us in continuing this ancient tradition. All are welcome, and supplies will be provided, but please RSVP by signing up in the Social Hall.

Annual Sunday of Cheesfare Luncheon With the Celebration of Forgiveness Vespers: We will be celebrating the beginning of the Great Fast with the usual celebration of Forgiveness Vespers. This service is a transition from the brightness that is the Sunday of the Resurrection to the penitential nature of the Fast. But before we enter into the Great Fast, we will celebrate with simple fare and hopefully decadent desserts that everyone is invited to bring.
For those attending the Forgiveness Vespers with Holy Anointing, please keep in mind that the Mystery of Holy Oil is a means of forgiveness of sins, and therefore is spiritually beneficial to have recently confessed in order to properly receive this Mystery. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states in Canon 737 §1. “By the sacramental anointing of the sick performed with prayer by a priest, the Christian faithful who are gravely ill and sincerely contrite receive grace, by which, strengthened by the hope of eternal reward and freed from sin, they are disposed to amend their life and are helped to overcome their sickness or to suffer it patiently.”
The Great Book of Needs states, “The one who is sick must be prepared before the Anointing by Holy Repentance (Confession).” Our journey through the Great Fast will be more beneficial if we enter into it in a state of grace. There will be an extended confession time Cheesefare Sunday morning to accommodate this need, but please feel free to attend your local Roman Catholic Church for Confession as well.

Fasting Regulations for the Great Fast

Eparchial Regulations: All who receive Communion in the Eparchy of Passaic are required to abstain from meat on Wednesdays and Fridays of the Great Fast. All adults who receive Communion in the Eparchy of Passaic are required to abstain from meat, eggs, and milk products on the first day of Lent, Monday, February 27, and on Great and Holy Friday, April 14.

From the Typicon (A Guidebook for the Celebration of the Liturgy and Divine Office) : “In the Great Fast, abstinence from meat, fish, dairy products, alcohol and foods cooked in oil was prescribed for all days, except days of mitigation. All Saturdays and Sundays, February 24, March 9, Wednesday to Friday of the Fifth Week, the Prefestive Day and Otdenjie of Annunciation (March 25) and Palm Sunday were general mitigations. The Ruthenian Metropolia prescribes strict abstinence (from meat and dairy products) on the First Monday of the Great Fast and on Good Friday, and abstinence from meat on all Wednesdays and Fridays.”

Dispensation: Pastors and Administrators may, for a just cause, grant to the individual faithful and to individual families, dispensations or commutations of the fasting rules into other pious practices.

Possible Fasting Regimens: I have compiled a variety of fasting possibilities for those who find the spiritual benefit of challenging themselves to a deeper participation in the Great Fast. One can start simple and increase the difficulty as the Fast progresses. Either way, all are encouraged to do more than the minimum, except the elderly, pregnant, small children, and those with special medical issues.

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