Bulletin November 19, 2017

Altar Candles: The altar candles for the month of November are burning for the repose of +Nicholas Patchan.

Let Us Remember in Prayer: Those who are ill or convalescing. May our Lord Jesus Christ, the Physician and Healer of souls and bodies, grant them peace and good health for many blessed years.
Please let Fr. Lewis know if anyone should be added or taken away from this prayer list.

2017 Annual Bishop’s Appeal: The new Bishop’s Appeal has already begun. As stated in the packet, this drive is the major sources of funds that help to sustain the Eparchy’s many projects that help to build-up our churches—seminary expenses being one of them. Please prayerfully consider your pledge to the Eparchy because whatever our parish donates over our goal we will receive a 40% rebate of that amount. We have gone over this goal the past two years that I am aware of, and the extra funds were greatly needed. Please remember that checks are to be made out to the Eparchy of Passaic, and not to the parish.

Saint Gregory’s Slavic Food Festival: We do still have plenty of kolásci left for purchase, as well as marble rye bread, Italian rolls, and hot dog rolls. These can be purchased after liturgy—please tell your friends and family that they still have an opportunity to purchase our kolásci— this will only increase our festival profits.

Traveling Vocation Icon Program: Our Metropolia is embarking on a traveling Vocation Icon Program for all of the faithful of our Churches to pray tor and encourage vocations to the religious life: presbyterate, diaconate, consecrated life of men and women monastics. Prayer is one of the most important aspects of our faith in God and when we pray fervently with full trust in God, our prayers will be answered. Please consider bringing the Vocation Icon into your home for a week and praying for vocations to strengthen our church and to lead us all to heaven. Sign up sheet is in church hall.

The Women’s Community Club of Beltsville Holiday Food Donations: This year the Women’s Club of Beltsville will not be accepting donations of food or turkeys. Rather, they are accepting monetary donations for a new program where they will purchase Aldi’s Gift Cards to distribute to those in need. Please have donations in by December 17th.

Philip’s Fast: For some major Feast Days in the Church we are asked to fast, pray, and give alms in order to properly prepare ourselves to experience the splendor of the Feast. The Nativity of Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ is just around the corner. And in order to fully prepare ourselves to celebrate the Incarnation, the Coming of Christ in the Flesh, the Church Fathers have prescribed the 40 days preceding this Feast as a period of fasting and penance. However, in order to remain a Catholic in good standing, there is currently no fasting prescribed beyond abstinence from meat on Fridays in our Metropolia. However, the faithful are always encouraged to go beyond the minimum requirements for their spiritual benefit and for the benefit of the whole church. One may choose to add more fasting through the week, or more personal prayer and reading of Sacred Scripture. The Emmanuel Moleben will be offered each week leading up to The Nativity which will focus on Old Testament Prophesies of the Savior as well as the Gospel passages leading up to Christ’s birth. The beginning of the Fast was November 15th.

Upcoming Parish And Eparchial Events
Nov. 19 Catechetical Sunday: beginning of ECF program after the Divine Liturgy
Dec. 3 Saint Nicholas Celebration
Dec. 6 Feast of Saint Nicholas

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