Bulletin February 4, 2018

Let Us Remember in Prayer: Those who are ill or convalescing. May our Lord Jesus Christ, the Physician and Healer of souls and bodies, grant them peace and good health for many blessed years.
Please let Fr. Lewis know if anyone should be added or taken away from this prayer list.

Traveling Vocation Icon Program: Please consider bringing the Vocation Icon into your home for a week and praying for vocations to strengthen our church and to lead us all to heaven. Without consecrated religious (nuns and monks), without ordained priests, we cannot benefit from the example of prayer and the administration of the Sacraments that these vocations provide us. Without the Sacraments, and without properly trained teachers of the True Faith, our salvation will be in peril. Please pray that Christ send us more vocations, and that those He inspires to vocations have the courage to answer the call in the affirmative. Sign up sheet is in church hall.

All Souls Saturday: The next All Souls Saturday this year is March 3rd. There are usually 5 of these Saturdays throughout the year, but because of other feasts they may be transferred to another day. These Saturdays are when we pray for the deceased of our families in a special Divine Liturgy for the deceased.

House Blessings: It is the tradition to have homes blessed once a year with the Jordan Waters. Fr. Lewis was only able to bless a few homes last year, but is very keen to bless every home no matter how distant. There is no need for a stipend for the blessing—hence, this is not Fr. Lewis’ intent, but rather a desire to get to know each family and home. Fr. Lewis plans on doing the house blessings by region and will call to make appointments that will fit everyone’s schedule. It is ideal to complete these before the Great Fast.

Forgiveness Sunday, Sunday of Cheesefare: This year Forgiveness Sunday is February 11th. We will not be having Matins that morning, but we will have the Divine Liturgy followed by our annual Cheesefare potluck luncheon. After the luncheon, everyone is encouraged to stay for Forgiveness Vespers. This is the service that is the beginning of the Great Fast (Feb. 11th).

Cheesefare Week: For those who plan on adhering to the traditional fasting regulations for the Great Fast, the week of Feb. 5 through Feb. 11 is the last time that we will eat cheese and other dairy products until after the basket blessing on Holy Saturday evening on March 31st. It is at this time when we can clean out our refrigerators of our cheese products so we will not be tempted during the season of the Fast. Again, adherence to this stricter form of fasting is voluntary.

The Great Fast—The Season of the Triodion: The Great Fast is already upon us in it’s preparatory phases of Meatfare and Cheesefare weeks. The Cheesefare Vespers of Forgiveness will be the transition into the services of the Fast. However, keep in mind that fasting is from midnight to midnight. During the weekdays of the Great Fast it is not permitted to celebrate the Divine Liturgy because each liturgy is a joyous celebration. We are asked to adhere to the regulations of the fast and are encouraged to go further in our fasting and to go deeper in our prayer so that we will attain spiritual benefits, and be properly prepared to celebrate Christ’s Glorious Resurrection.

Congratulations! Congratulations to Kyle and Shelby on the upcoming occasion of their Betrothal! The Betrothal is similar to an engagement where rings are given to each, but there is a much stronger bond created between the couple because the rings are blessed and presented by the priest. The Crowning in Marriage is when the two become Man and Wife and are Sacramentally Wed. Kyle and Shelby will be Betrothed this Saturday at 10AM, all are invited to this very short service.

Upcoming Parish And Eparchial Events
Feb. 11 Sunday of Forgiveness and Cheesefare Luncheon
Feb. 12 First Day of the Great Fast, Presanctified Divine Liturgy
Feb. 18 Eastern Christian Formation
Mar. 3 All Souls Saturday

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